
Lazona Fantastica: February 2013

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Natural Remedy for Ovarian Cysts

Cysts may create a dread disease among women, either already married or still alone / single. Ovaries are reproductive organs vital for women because the function produces ova (egg cells). Place egg maturation also occurs in the ovaries. The ovaries secrete hormones - hormones like estrogen and progesterone is important that play a role in regulating the menstrual cycle.

Girls / women have a pair of bean-shaped gland ovarian walnut, located on either side of the uterus (womb), uterine tubes and below the bound in the back of the broad ligament uteri. A pair of ovaries are producing 300,000 eggs. Egg cells are surrounded by a layer of epithelioid granulosa cells called follicles. The results show there are two hormones that are essential for the full function of the ovary FSH (Follicle-Stimulating Hormone) and LH (Luteinizing Hormone).

Cysts are fluid-filled sacs means. Ovarian cysts (or ovarian cysts) means sac filled with fluid, normally small, located in the ovaries (ovarian
Ovarian cysts can form at any time, at puberty and menopause, as well as during pregnancy.

A benign tumor can affect the ovaries, a bag containing a brown liquid which is called the ovarian cyst. Ovarian cysts are usually not cancerous. If the cyst is small, usually does not cause any symptoms. However, further research is needed to assure that it is not cancer. Large cysts or cysts can cause a large number of female belly bulge. In addition, it can also cause discomfort in the pelvis, lower back pain and pain during intercourse.

Causes of Ovarian Cysts Egg / Ovarian Cysts.

Ovarian cysts are caused by a disturbance (formation) hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary, and ovaries.
In general, ovarian cysts caused by impaired formation of hormones of the hypothalamus, pituitary and ovary itself. Ovarian cysts can form at any time between puberty and menopause, even during pregnancy.

Normal Cyst Types

1. Functional cysts
This is the type of ovarian cyst that is most commonly found. These cysts come from the egg and the corpus luteum, coincided with the normal menstrual cycle.

2. Functional cysts will grow every month and will be broken during the fertile period, to release the egg ready to be fertilized by the sperm time. After the break, a functional cyst would be follicular cysts and will be lost during menstruation.

Functional cysts are: follicular cysts and corpus luteum cysts. Both of them do not bother, do not cause symptoms and may disappear on their own within 6-8 weeks.

Type of Abnormal cysts

The purpose of the word "abnormal" here is not normal, not public, or not normally (no, arise, arise, or there). All types or forms other than functional cysts-cysts-cysts are abnormal, for example:

1. Cystadenoma
Is a cyst that comes from the outside of the ovary cells. Are usually benign, but can be enlarged and may cause pain.

2. Chocolate cyst (endometrioma)
Endometrium is not in place. Called chocolate cysts because they contain blood accumulation blackish brown.

3. Dermoid cyst
Is a cyst containing various types of body parts such as skin, nails, hair, teeth and fat. These cysts can be found in the second part of the ovary. Usually small and do not cause symptoms.

4. Endometriosis cyst
Is a cyst that occurs because part of endometrium outside the uterus. These cysts developed with the growth of the endometrial lining every month, causing severe pain, especially during menstruation and infertility.

5. Cyst hemorrhage
Is accompanied by a functional cyst bleeding, causing pain on one side of the lower abdomen.

6. Lutein cysts
Is a cyst that often occurs during pregnancy. Some types of lutein cysts include:

a. Granulosa-lutein cysts
Is a cyst that occurs in the corpus luteum of the ovary are functional. Cysts that arise at the beginning of pregnancy may be enlarged due to excessive accumulation of blood during menstruation and not a result of the tumor. Reaching 5-6 cm in diameter cause discomfort in the pelvic area. If broken, there will be bleeding in the abdominal cavity.

In women who are not pregnant, the cyst is causing delayed periods, irregular bleeding followed.

b. Theca lutein cysts
Is a cyst containing a clear liquid and a straw-colored. This cyst associated with ovarian tumors and hormone therapy.

7. Polycystic Ovarian Cysts
Is a cyst that can not happen because the cyst rupture and release eggs continuously. Usually occur every month. Ovarian cyst will be enlarged due to the accumulation of this. For Polycystic ovarian cysts that persist (persistent), the operation must be performed to remove the cyst that does not cause disruption and pain.

Ovarian cyst was benign and malignant (cancerous). Usually small cysts are benign. Ovarian cysts are often found incidentally on routine examination.

A. Clinical manifestations of ovarian cysts include:
1. Often without symptoms.
2. Pain during menstruation.
3. Pain in the lower abdomen.
4. Pain during intercourse.
5. Back pain sometimes radiating to the legs.
6. Sometimes accompanied by pain during urination and / or defecation.
7. Irregular menstrual cycles; may also be the amount of blood that comes out a lot.

B. The clinical manifestations of ovarian cancer include:
1. Menstrual changes.
2. Sensation of pain or pain during intercourse (dyspareunia).
3. Persistent indigestion, such as bloating, nausea.
4. Changes in bowel habits, eg difficult defecation (= constipation, constipation, obstipasi)
5. Changes in urination, such as: frequent urination.
6. Abdominal bloating, one character is pants feel tight.
7. Loss of appetite or feeling full quickly (stomach feel full).
8. Taste easily tired or feeling is always less energy.
9. Pain in the (bone) lower back (low back pain).

Enforcement Diagnosis

Diagnosis is made through examination of ovarian cysts by ultrasonography or ultrasound (abdominal or transvaginal), colposcopy screening, and blood tests (tumor marker or tumor marker).


In practice, if necessary obstetricians would recommend to do a discharge (which includes: Trichomonas, Candida / yeast, bacteria rods, cocci bacteria, epithelium, leukocytes, erythrocytes, epithelial, and pH) and hematology, for example: Hb (Hemoglobin) .


1. Observation
If the cyst does not cause symptoms, then simply monitored (monitored) for 1-2 months, due to functional cyst would disappear on its own after one or two menstrual cycles. This action is taken if not suspicious malignant (cancerous).

2. OperasiJika cyst enlarges, then following surgery, which is conducted with the action taking cyst laparoscopy or laparotomy. Usually you are allowed to go home for laparoscopy on day 3 or 4, while for laparotomy You are allowed to go home on day 8 or 9.

How to make natural herbs / traditional to treat ovarian cyst / ovary are as follows:

A. Natural herb / traditional to treat ovarian cyst / ovary first:

Materials and how:
. 60 grams of fresh white ground
. 15 grams or 30 grams of dried bitter fresh,
. Boiled with 600 cc of water until the remaining 300 cc
. Strain the decoction and water is taken 2 times a day, try each time drank 150 cc.

B. Natural herb / traditional to treat ovarian cysts / ovarian both:

Materials and how:
. 30 grams of fresh leaves of the gods
. 50 grams of ground mango
. 5 grams of dried meat Phaleria
. Rebuss with water as much as 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc
. then strain the water is taken 2 times a day, every time I try to drink as much as 200 cc.

c. Natural herb / traditional to treat ovarian cyst / ovary three:

Materials and how:
. 60 grams of parasites that normally live on tea tree / fruit trees.
. 30 grams of grass or grass snake tongue pearl white flowers can be purchased at drug stores tionghoa as bai hua she she cao
. Then boiled with water as much as 800 cc of water until the remaining 400 cc
. Then filtered and water was drunk for 2 times a day as much as 200 cc each time you drink.


    Make sure you do experience ovarian cysts / ovarian appropriate information and diagnostic specialists and not by feeling alone.
    Please select a recipe fit your ovarian cyst disease description, do regularly, and still consult a doctor pobud Again this is just an alternative treatment .. do not start if you are unsure.

Each disease is certainly no cause and no cure every disease must. Try to maintain your mouth and keep what is through the mouth of a good thing, both words and food and beverage.